Tuesday, April 14, 2009



Founder pondok pesantren Tebuireng Jombang Hadratusy Sheikh Hasyim Asy'ari in love and very happy to have the institution Al-Qur'an. He is very happy to know very well that santri Al-Qur'an. Even around 1923 santri already have a priest who turns tarawih prayer in Ramadan with reading Al-Qur'an bil-hifdzi until done. Year 1936 he is the son of KH. A. Hasyim Wachid establish Nidhomiyyah Madrasah (Specials learn the language, the more language Al-Qur'an (read: Arab) added religious studies and general knowledge necessary). Then on 27 Syawwal 1319 H or 15 December 1971 was born Madrasatul Qur-an as a result of deliberation and Kyai nine nurse-boarding Tebuireng as the embodiment of noble ideals integrated from both the National Hero.

Objectives and basic education;

1. In accordance with the functions of Al-Qur'an to those who believe in Islam, Madrasatul Qur an as a teaching and educational institutions want to make the human form and bertaqwa through the Al-Qur'an.
2. In connection with the above in mind, then what the Qur an Madrasatul this is solely to meet obligations as servants against each other.
3. In Indonesia, not many agencies and institutions that al-Qur'an wa ma'nan and lafdhon form of systematic studies and classical. For that, Madrasatul Qur an attempt to anticipate things that way, especially on the content of education programs and teaching, namely Al-Qur'an, and especially in terms of its qiroah (reading it).

The basic principal of special education in the Qur an Madrasatul is:

1. Al-Qur'an:
As written in the letter of Al-Qur'an Al-'ankabut paragraph 49. This means: "In fact, Al-Qur'an is the revelations of the real in the chest of those who berilmu ... ... ...." Where is Al-Qur'an is full of information and clear, to accept (to receive the media) is inserted into the chest, while the recipient is that they are credible and those who have knowledge.

2. Al-Hadith:
This means "The best is all you people learn that Al-Qur'an, and who want to teach others" (HR. Bukhori).

3. Ijma ':
Is defisini is Ijma 'methodology in the field of Al-Qur'an, especially in terms of acceptance and use of its qiroah, namely qiro'ah shohihah mutawatiroh with the following criteria;
a. Sanad Mutawasshil (inosculate teachers) to the Prophet.
b. Qiroah form (reading) in accordance with its rules arab language.
c. Documented in the Manuscripts Utsmani.

While the goal is pendidikanya: "Establishing the private Muslim Al-Qur'an lafadh memorize it, understand its contents and the actual practice the teachings of his" Muslim Hamilil Qur an Lafdhan wa wa Ma'nan the practice. "

System of Education and Teaching:

The education system and teaching held by Madrasatul Qur an is shaped Pondok Madrasah Education (formal schooling) of the education program and teaching Religious education is 75% and 30% science and general education Al-Qur'an with specialized programs Tahfidhul (grind Qur an Al Quran-).

As for the outline, the program of education and teaching Madrasatul Qur an is as follows:

1. Department Tahfidh (Al-Qur'an to memory)
Program memorize Al-Qur'an is divided into three stages / phases. Phase as the last peak is Qiro ah Sab'iyah (seven reading), the second phase is Al-Qur'an to memory with Qiro ah Masyhuroh and phase is the basis for those who do not qualify for reading it to memory.

A. Qiro ah Sab'iyah For those who have completed a 30 section of the Koran recitation Qiro ah Masyhuroh well and has met certain requirements, they can take and learn Qiro ah Sab'iyah (bil supernatural), learn Ulumul Qiro ah variatif the history of Imam seven (Imam Nafi ', Ashim, Hamzah, al-kisai, Ibn Amir, Abu Amr and Ibn Katsir). Besides in the case to be Ulumul Qiro ah, the program also emphasized for this study deepens the meaning of the differences / khilafnya reading, which stated they completed the program have the right in the finals with the predicate Qiro ah Sab'iyah (SQ2).

B. Qiro ah Masyhuroh

1. Terms; To take tahfidh program (school trap) they must be good reading Al-Qur'an in accordance with its Qiro'ah Muwahhadah standard Madrasatul Qur an.

2. Manuscripts and Curriculum; Manuscripts Manuscripts are used Utsmani history of Imam Imam Hafs' Ashim, using the Al-Qur'an Corner of each page will consist of 15 rows, and each section of the Koran consists of 20 pages / 10 sheets. Of the curriculum that has been outlined, they must have completed (memorize) 30 section of the Koran for 3 years.

3. Systems Development;
i. - deposit memorizing; namely santri hafalannya off to the teachers / instructors of each every day.
ii .- fashahah deposit; the santri off reading or memorizing the elder teachers of each group and according to the schedule have been determined.
iii .- Mudarosah groups; santri in the group (three-three) hafalannya switch off every day with the development to the end hafalannya. (Those who have completed the program have the right in the finals with the predicate Qiroah Masyhuroh (SQ1)

C. Level Binnadhar 1. Groups / Levels: For those who have not received tahfidh to take the program, are required to follow the program binnadhar in accordance with the reading ability level of each. In built divided into four levels:

1) Level Mubtadi '(basic); they are not able to read Al-Qur'an and / or not have the basics fashahah.

2) Level Mutawashith; those who have read smoothly, and menguasi basics fashahah, but can not distinguish the characteristics and how each letter and say.

3) Level Muntadhir; they read smoothly and fashih but less in the waqof, ibtida 'and musykilatil-verse.

4) Level Maqbul; at this level santri lived through Qiro ah Muwahhadah (standard Madrasatul Qur an).

System development

1) deposit Binnadhar on each representative (ustadz) has determined that five times a week in accordance with the materials that have been determined.

2) Development of the classical fashahah; they are grouped according to the classical group, are given guidance fashahah field (not just in a letter melafadhkan) six times a week with materials in accordance with the levels.

3) Testing the increase; of each level in each semester examinations are held the increase, especially for the maqbul can follow binnadhar finals held each year. Santri for graduation who have this and entered the stage Tahfidh (Al-Qur'an to memory).


To be able to follow-binnadhar graduation, in addition to pass the test in the selection process, they also are required / required section of the Koran was memorize 30, 29 and 28 and certain letters (Surat Yasin, Ar-Rahman and Waqi'ah).
- For those who do not take post-graduation program tahfidh this binnadhar required for the school and deep into the book salafus-sholih.
- Program binnadhar this place in two years.

2. School Program For those who do not take the program to memory
Level of education and instruction provided in the Qur an Madrasatul is:

a. Tsanawiyah and junior high level al-Furqan (three years)
b. Aliyah I'dadiyah level (one year)
c. Aliyah level (three years) Basically Tsanawiyah level / junior and Aliyah is related curriculum so that it can be said of education and teaching formal school is six years. For students / santri the achievement (final has been Al-Qur'an Juz 30 and finished Aliyah) can proceed at a higher degree (S1 IKAHA Tebuireng), or other Universities both Public and Private.

D. Units of Education and Supporting Facilities

Pondok pesantren in Madrasatul Qur an Tebuireng this unit there are education and support facilities, among others:

1. Unit Tahfidh
Unit responsible for implementation of education programs and teaching Al-Qur'an Madrasatul in the Qur an Tebuireng Jombang.

2. School Unit
Unit responsible for implementation of education programs and teaching Al-Qur'an Madrasatul in the Qur an Tebuireng Jombang. This unit is responsible in the implementation of the educational program and formal teaching.

3. Unit kepondokan / kesantrian Known as the Majlis-Tarbiyah wat Ta'lim (MTT)
bertanggang unit responsible in the presence santri with all the activities, especially in the formal aspects of worship, and extra-curricular activities related to aspects kesantrian. Solely responsible for monitoring 24 hours a day.

4. Unit library
To improve the quality scientific (wa ma'nan) its santri Madrasatul Qur an, provided a variety of mostly Arabic-speaking areas, especially Tafsir, Hadith and fiqh, history etc.

5. Bureau of social
As a concerned and want to share a sense Madrasatul Qur an santri against the poor in the financial / cost, they can be received in the bureau santunan unit with the requirements that have been determined.

6. Unit's financial, facilities and other

E. The existence of the Qur an Madrasatul In order to improve the quality, as shown in the goals, Madrasatul Qur an on all the unit always take the quality and quantity of activities. This can be expressed as follows:

1. Education and teaching Al-Qur'an

This unit will be required in order to improve the ability of both teachers and fashahah scientific field in terms of bacaannya with the program include:

a) Development of once each week (deposit fashahah)
b) They led to unleash special skills
c) Held training workshops and


-Development of fashahah for santri tahfidh (memorize) in group two times a week.
Development of classical fashahah-level preparation for the grind every day.
Deposit-tahfidh (sap) in the teacher every day.
Deposit-binnadhar for santri that the teachers have not memorize each individual every day.
Mudarosah-groups (each group of three people) for the santri grind.
-Testing at Al-Qur'an each semester.
Field of activity-Qur'an Al-implemented this afternoon, evening and morning (after dawn).

2. Education and school teaching

To prepare the Muslim Hamilil Qur an (lafadznya memorize, understand its meaning, and able to practice ajarannya womb). So Madrasatul Qur an and to provide facilities on the stock with their various activities as follows, namely:

- Education and instruction in the Qur an Madrasatul for six years
Education-approved school status
- Instruction book for santri program that takes tahfidh pure (no school)
- S1 degree through IKAHA Tebuireng and other PT
- Provide training materials or trim the state exam
- Room Lughah program deepens the foreign language (Arabic & English)

3. Santri field and ektra curricular MTT ()

In order to anticipate and pembekalan santri in meeting the needs of the community, the Qur an Madrasatul in this field to provide program activities that include the following:

- Jam'iyah weekly (Speech, Friday Khutbah, Sholawat etc.)..
- Jam'iyah two weekly. - Musabaqoh Hifdhil Qur an (MHQ)
- Musabaqoh Syarhil Qur an (MSQ)
- Musabaqoh Fahmil Qur an (MFQ)
- Discussions and training
- Development of an Qiro Atul Qur-bit Taghonny
- Year End Race
- The monthly activities that support the program areas of community service.

Given the Qur an Madrasatul come from the public and located in the middle of the community and try to shape society according to their needs with the limits of the ability of the various programs carried out activities, such as the following:

- Khatmil Qur an in Kampong
- Friday Khutbah
- Giving to the poor santunan
- Development of TPQ
- Participation in social movements

4. Development Cooperation

To expand and the spirit of the independent santri, since the beginning of the Qur an Madrasatul santri establish cooperatives, which processed and managed by the santri independently, with business units:

- Koperasi Jasa Boga
- Store
- Bureau of Social Education Curriculum:

1. Tahfidh (Al-Qur'an to memory) Semester Target Number of Details Juz memorizing Day Effective 28,29,30 I 8 Juz 1 - 5 160 Page 140 II 7 Day Juz 6 - Page 12 140 III 140 Day 6 Juz 13 - 18 Page 130 140 Day 5 IV Juz 19 - 23 100 Pages 140 V Day 4 Juz 24 - 27 80 Page 140 Day

2. Binnadhar
a. Level Mubtadi '
1. Reading material / fashahah classical letter is Al-Baqarah and Juz 30
2. The material is a recitation of Ad-Dluha - An-Nas
3. Materials fashahah / Tajwid:
- Makharijul letter
- Mad and Qashr.
- Law and nun die tanwin, legal mim and nun die tasydid.
4. Target achievements
- Works fashahah basics.
- Current reading.

b. Level Mutawashith
1. Reading material / fashahah is classical: Ali Imron - An-Nas
2. Memorizing material: Juz Amma & important documents
3. Material deposit Juz 1 - 15
4. Fashahah Tajwid and materials which include:
- Law reading Ra 'and Lam
- The signs waqof
- Mad Ahkamul and size.

c. Level Muntadhir
1. Reading material / fashahah Ash is a classical-Shoffat - Adz-Dzariyat
2. The material is memorizing letters and important Juz 30, 29
3. Fashahah Tajwid and materials include:
- Waqof ibtida '
- Musykilatul
Hamzah-Qotho 'and Washal
4. Target achievements:
- Ability to read Al-Qur'an and according to the makhraj are
- Current reading

d. Level Maqbul
1.Materi Muntadhir section of the Koran and memorizing 28

D. Achievements

Madrasatul Qur an always active activities (Musabaqoh Tilawatil Qur an) organized by the government indonesia and international event. Some santri ever recorded represent the State Rebpublik Indonesia Musabaqoh Hifdhil to follow the Qur an (MHQ) International level in Makkah and other cities and to reach successful achievement of the plume. May Allah give mercy and forgiveness to all the families of boarding MADRASATUL Quran, especially KH MASYHAR Joseph and his family ...... ......... AAMIIIINN

1 comment:

  1. الله يوفقكم فى نشر كتاب الله ويجعله فى ميزان حسناتكم يوم لادرهم ولادينار الا من اتى الله بقلب سليم

    i ask ALLA to accept your works to spread his words ( AL-QURAN )..... nothing better in life and here-after more than teaching QURAN ...
    ابشروا بالخير ...الكثير



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